Warm Beverages

baii ra
2 min readSep 13, 2022


appreciation script


have you ever paid attention before to how we drink warm drinks? for instance, in a deep talk session with loved ones, warm tea would always offer comfort and security. On a rainy day, warm milk would be a good companion. in fact, most warm beverages are always a good companion, they are designed to be enjoyed in a slow-paced moment. that is why we often drink them slowly. take savor of every sip, feeling it flows down our throat and finally warm us up.

besides comfort, they are also suited for work companions. in this case, warm coffee is very well suited. they encourage our buried ideas and give us the focus we need, which is also one of the benefits of warm beverages.

from where i come from, i think warm beverages don't really have their fame. i think the season and weather are the most factors of cause. people in tropical countries prefer cold to hot beverages and this certainly can be understood. however, once i found the right moment, it’s hard to not appreciate them. in this matter, warm beverages. again, my favorite part is that they are designed to offer comfort. i remember a few occurrences whenever i got a headache or stomachache, my mother always make me drink warm tea. and then just like that, the aches will go slowly as i take every sip, almost magical.

here’s to warm drinks in cold weather ❤.

